Sunday, December 03, 2006

Go Bucks!!!!!!

Thanks to his Uncle Ryan, Uncle Jeff and dad, Ezekiel is a Buckeye fan. During the games, he will shout, "Go Bucks", cheering for his team. It's really quite cute. And his other Uncle Ryan (from MI) tries to get him to say "Go blue", but Zeke is a true fan and refuses. It doesn't keep Uncle Ryan from trying though.


The Chinlund Family said...

Hi Nate and Sonya! I went to IWU with both of you and was excited to find your blog through Mimi's! Your children are just precious! I hope all is well!!!

Katy (Anderson) Chinlund

Anonymous said...

Yay! I just found your blog! I'm sure you're already discovering the web IWU has woven. :) It's go great to see what you've been up to. Your family is beautiful!!