Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
No pics
Hey, Nathan and I have decided to no longer put photos on our blog. We will keep you updated on what's going on with our lives, but no more pics. For several reasons, but we just don't feel comfortable with people being able to access photos of our family and use them for whatever purpose (which has happened!).
Monday, July 09, 2007
All Done!
Today we had to be at the hospital for Amelia's surgery by 6:30AM and believe it or not, we were home by 11:00AM. The surgery went really well, and Amelia is doing great. She, of course, was a little uncomfortable after the surgery, but with a little pain medicine, she's been her same old happy self. She's a little sleepier than normal, but that's to be expected. The problem has been taken care of, and prayerfully, that's Amelia's last surgery. Thank you to all of you for your prayers for Amelia.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Last weekend, we had our first baptism service. It was such a joy to see new Christians making a public display of their faith. We cried in rejoicing with them (or should I say, I and many of the girls cried!). What a day!!!
Watershed in the Community
Our church, Watershed, is really trying to find ways we can become more and involved in the community. This summer, there are lots of events that we are helping our with. This is one event we did last weekend where we provided inflatable games. It was a huge success! The kids loved it (and so did the parents!).
First Time
The first time Amelia had juice, she didn't really like it. She made a "yuck" face and spit it out. The first time she had a banana...that was a different story! The first time Amelia brushed her teeth, all she wanted to was chew on the toothbrush.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Strongman Competition
In Grandview, we had a Strongman's Competition. Our family went to watch all these big guys lifting unbelievable amounts of weight. Zeke had a lot of fun playing.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Another Surgery
We need all of your prayers, on Tuesday we had an appointment with the doctor who did Amelia's belly surgery when she was born. I had become concerned because she had a round risen part above her belly button. So we went in to check on it. He said she has a epicgastric hernia and that they are going to have to do surgery to correct it. Luckily it is an out patient surgery, but it's her forth surgery!!!! We are feeling the stress of it and a little frustrated about how much she's been through. But God has made this little lady so strong. She bounces back really quick. The surgery is scheduled for July 9, first thing in the morning. So please pray for us. Thank you so much.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Pool Time
Since summer break, we've been at the pool almost everyday. We got pool passes for the summer and intend on becoming pool rats :) The first day the water was freezing. Zeke had a blast jumping in and playing with the other kids. Amelia on the other hand, didn't really care for the cold water. But she's getting used to it.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Kenny Chesney
I got a free ticket to go see Kenny Chesney!!! It was such a great concert, and we were in the 10th row. Sugarland and Pat Green were there too. Sugarland was awesome!! I just loved how cute she was. Kenny put on such a great show too. By the end of the night, I thought I wasn't going to have a voice.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Memorial Day
When we were in NY, my whole family was there. My mom and my dad. My grandmother, Mammy, and some of my cousins. It was so wonderful!
Hola Chase
For Memorial Day weekend, we went to NY to visit my family. And to meet my sister Delia's new addition, Chase. He was born at 28 weeks and was 2lbs 10oz. He was very little and was in the NICU for two months. Now he weighs almost 5 lbs and is finally home. He is still on oxygen, but at least he's home!!!! We had a great time with my family. Time together is few and far between so we cherish every moment that we're with them. Oh, and for those of you who don't know...my mom is a Christian now. On April 15th, she called me and said she was done running!!! What a day that was!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Amelia's Development
As far as the doctors are concerned, Amelia is developing normally. She has hit all the "normal" marks (with the exception of sitting). We are so blessed by our little angel! So here are some pictures of her "developmental" phases. She is rolling around all over the place. No more laying her down and walking away!! (She rolled under her swing by herself the other day) She has two teeth, and she is teething again. And we practice daily helping her to sit.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Hayden's here!!!
On Saturday, May 19th at 5:29PM our nephew, Hayden Isaac was born. Weighing in at 9lb!!!! He's a big boy!! After Zeke's party we got a call that he was born, so we headed to the hospital. Zeke was excited to meet his new cousin and so were we.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Birthday Party...Spiderman is here!!!!
For Zeke's birthday, we rented a costume, and Spiderman came to his party. He was sooooo thrilled! All his friends loved it too. Well, some were a little scared at first, but they warmed up to him. Zeke has also really loved the idea of costumes lately. So he got a Batman costume from his friends, Fergus and Freddy, and Spiderman costume from his Grandma Marlene. He loved that!!! He and his friends also loved the Spiderman pinata...
Monday, May 14, 2007
Bath time
For the first time, Ezekiel and Amelia took a bath together. It was hard to keep the cup away from Zeke. He wanted to pour water on Amelia. He just wanted to help, but with some supervision, Amelia was clean. It was just so adorable. Ezekiel is such a great big brother. He just loves Amelia. And man, can he make her laugh. They get along so well. Let's just hope it stays that way as they get older!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Happy Birthday Ezekiel
Ezekiel celebrated his birthday on May 12th. He was so excited when he woke up. He, of course, wanted to open his presents right away. We planned his birthday party for the next weekend (just in case Uncle Jeff and Aunt Heidi had their baby- which they didn't...haha). But he had a big day on his birthday anyway. A friend of Zeke's, Caiden, had is birthday party. The Zeke went to Chucky Cheese with Grandma and Pap pap. What a big day. Oh, and I added a picture of Zeke shooting a web (he is in LOVE with Spiderman). Needless to say, most of his presents were...Spiderman!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Busy Body
For the past several months, Zeke randomly asks to talk to people on the phone. He wants to talk to his Grandmas, his friends, his aunts or uncles...pretty much anyone. It hilarious!!! This spring he also started to learn how to pedal his bike. We were so excited! He was too.
Easter Day
On Easter, it was pretty crazy. Waking up and going to church at 7:00AM to get ready for the tatoo artist and set up for the drama and everything else that is normal to set up. After church we went to Nathan's parents house to celebrate Easter. Dad, Gwenda, and Ryan went as well.
My dad, Gwenda and Ryan came out to our house for Easter this year. It was a great weekend, minus the fact that Zeke had to go to his Easter egg hunts in a winter coat and hat!!!! Especially since we'd experienced such nice days prior to Easter. Easter Sunday was great too. If you want to check out what we did for our Easter service, a couple newspapers in Columbus did articles and here is one of the links copy the first part and then paste it then copy the next part and add it to what you already pasted. http://www.dispatch.com/dispatch/content/local_news/stories/
Too long
Okay, it has been way too long. Life has been CRAZY!!! Ever since Easter, we've pretty much been going non-stop. So I've been thinking about how badly I need to keep up on the blog, so I decided I would take time out (the kids are still sleeping) and blog a little about the last month or so of our lives. So here goes...
Monday, March 26, 2007
On Friday, Amelia's first tooth came in. We were soooo excited!!!!!! Her tooth is on the bottom and her second tooth is about ready to come through right next to it. I'll try to get a picture and post that too.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Nate Vaill

It has been almost four years since Nathan saw his high-school friend, Nate Vaill. Last weekend we went up to Nathan's hometown, and saw Nate and his band in concert. We wanted to surprise him, and man was he surprised. I think when he saw us, he forgot the verse he was in the middle of singing. It was a great time and so good to see him.
Our Little Koala
Zeke loves to climb the tree outside of our apartment. He says, "Look, Mama, I'm a koala".
What a Cutie
Amelia is so cute. For the past month or so, she has started sucking on her fingers and holding a blanket close to her face. What a cutie!!!!
Library Days
One Saturday, we all went to the library to see a play put on by the Columbus Children's Theater. Zeke loved the play and spent some time reading books with Daddy.
In Formation
Ezekiel, for some reason, loves lining all his toys up. I'm not sure what this tells us about his personality, but I think it's pretty stinkin' cute!!
Fun Fair
We just recently went to a community function called the fun fair. As you can see, Ezekiel and Amelia got their faces painted. Zeke's friend, Sofie, was there too. There were games and food. Zeke loved the bowling game and basketball game. Amelia was just along for the ride!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sleepy Head
Just wanted to update you all on Ezekiel's sleeping. He is doing great!!!! He only occasionally gets up during the night now. Normally he sleeps all the way through and just gets up earlier. Can't complain about that!!!! Thanks for all your prayers. (thought I would add a picture of him sleeping, for fun).
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Cosi Children's Science Museum
During the winter, it is "fun" finding things to do for Ezekiel. Every week we go to story time at the library, but other than that, there's not much else to do. So I try and set up play dates with other kids his age. We were fortunate enough to get a membership to Cosi Children's Science Museum. And we try to set up a play date there about every other week. So here are some pictures of Zeke with his friends, Caiden and Landon at Cosi.

On Saturday, Watershed had what we call a "mixer". A mixer is basically an outing/event where we invite our friends (non-Watersheders). It's just a fun time for us all the hang out, get to know each other, and "one-another" (which is basically a non-threatening way of networking). So for this mixer we went bowling. I totally stink but it was actually fun! And we had several visitors. So it was definitely a success. And it was Zeke's first time bowling, man was that fun!!!
Snow Days
A couple weeks ago we had lots of snow days, and since I teach part-time, I was able to stay at home with the kids. We had a lot of fun. Ezekiel and I played in the front yard while Amelia took her nap. And when she woke, we spent time helping her practise rolling over, with Zeke cheering her on. Now she rolls over all the time, even in her crib at night. Zeke and Amelia also got some great quality playing time. Oh, and here's a story...when Zeke and I were outside, I let him play on the car and slide down the front window (which for those of you who don't know Zeke, this is right up his alley, he is not afraid of anything). Well, one time I set him up there and readied the camera, and said go. I shot the pic just as he slide and he slide off the side instead of the front, landing on the side view mirror. But the funny part was that he got stuck there. He couldn't get down!!! After that, he wasn't too keen on the idea of sliding down the car and the next day, a large bruise miraculously appeared on his leg. We still had fun in the snow though.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Roll with me!
That's what Amelia is saying today...because on her 4 month birthday, she rolled over. We were so excited and have been trying to get her to do it again, but I guess she'll do it when she wants to. But praise the Lord, Amelia is developing totally normal!!!!
Shunt Update
Yesterday Amelia had an appointment with her doctor. They did another CT Scan to see if the shunt is working properly. Well, great news, it is!!!! He even said the shunt was shrinking her Dandy Walker Cyst!!! So that is a huge praise!!!! Thank you God.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Our Frustration
Hey all! I'm just blogging this morning to get some advise if you're able to give it. Here's our frustration. For the last month, Ezekiel has been getting up during the night and coming in our room. And when I say, "get up", I mean getting up 5-10 (or more sometimes) times a night. Meaning, Nathan and I are really not getting any sleep. For instance, he came in at 11:30, 1:00, 3:00 (six times between 3:00 and 4:30) and then "woke up" at 7:30. Amelia, however, is sleeping through the night. It all started when Zeke was tormented in his sleep, by what he described as man is a blue coat and a hat that came in through is window and spoke to him saying, "get up and go to mommy and daddy". And for several reasons, we feel like that was an attack from Satan on our family. One afternoon Nathan was praying with Zeke during naptime and Zeke pointed and told Daddy the man was in the doorway. Of course, Nathan saw nothing but began praying. Nathan said he felt a strong evil presense. Without going into too much more detail, Nathan gets very little sleep due to his hours with UPS and the church, and the less sleep he gets the harder it is to operate Watershed. We felt like Satan was "sending" this man to wake Ezekiel so that Nathan doesn't get much sleep. All this to say, the nightmares have stopped (praise God!!! and thanks to all who knew and prayed for our family). Ezekiel hasn't mentioned the man in a couple weeks, however I feel like the man coming to him at night began a habit of him waking a lot throughout the night. And although he doesn't have nightmares, he still wakes often. So basically, we are at our witts end and were wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to get Zeke to sleep through the night again. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Post Surgery
Just want to let you all know that Amelia's surgery went very well. Dr went in and fixed her shunt. She is such a trooper. We only had an overnight stay, so we left the hospital this morning. And since then, she's been her same old cheerful self. Thank you for all your prayers.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Ice Skating
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Baby Kaitlyn
Our good friends, Nick and Nicole, had their baby on December 29th. We went to see her the next weekend and she is soooo adorable. Lots and lots of hair. She was only 5 lbs when she was born and seeing her made me realize how big Amelia is getting. Praise God!!!!
Friday, January 05, 2007
My Musicians
Nathan has taken up playing the guitar, and Ezekiel loves playing it too. So Aunt Gwenda and Uncle Ryan got him one of his own for Christmas. So my musicians often "practise" together. Zeke has quite the collection of musical instruments, piano, drums and now a guitar. Maybe he'll be the next Mozart (or maybe Justin Timberlake...hehe).

On Tuesday, we had a routine follow-up CT Scan to check and see if the shunt in Amelia's brain is drainging the excess fluid properly. Well, we found out that it isn't. So her doctor suggested that he go in a do a revision surgery to check/fix the shunt. She is scheduled to go in Tuesday morning, January 16th. So please keep us in your prayers. Thankfully, Amelia is feeling fine. The fluid has not built up to the point of discomfort for her and the doctor said it also isn't to the point of brain damage. So praise God for that!!!!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year
Happy New Year's. I hope 2007 finds all of you doing well. We had a really nice little celebration of the new year, toasting it in with sparkling grape juice. Really it was a struggle just to stay up until midnight. But playing Apples to Apples helped a little!!!
QT with Family

Here are some cute pictures of the kids with my family. Other than my mom, the rest of my family in NY had never met Amelia, so they were excited to see her. And my mom even said that she was more excited to see Zeke and Amelia than she was to see Nathan and I. That hurt a little!!!! Kidding. But it was a nice trip (and long too-the trip took us about 8 hours, but the kids did great, Nathan, that's another story). Pictures are as follows: My brother, Bradley with Amelia and Zeke. My mom and Ed with Amelia. My brother-in-law, Ryan with Amelia. And my sister, Gwenda with Amelia.
Christmas with Mom
We were able to travel to my mom's house in NY for New Year's weekend. Gwenda and Ryan were able to travel in too. Delia and Bradley were there too, so it was a whole family event, which doesn't happen too often. My mom was really excited about that!
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