Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Amelia's first bikini!!!

Feathers Family Christmas

After we spent the morning as a family, we went to Nathan's parents house to celebrate Christmas with his parents and siblings. Since Ezekiel and Amelia are the only grandchildren and nephew and neice, they made out pretty well :)

Christmas Morning

This year we woke up and spent Christmas morning together just us four. We opened presents and then had a nice breakfast. Ezekiel was so cute, he would open a present, want to open it up and play with it, and then would ask for another present. It was quite funny, until of course there were no more presents. No just kidding, when he was done, he just went straight to playing with his new toys. This year we had a theme to all his presents. He is a big fan of the CARS movie, so most of his presents were related to the movie. We got him all the CARS cars, the movie of course and some other CARS stuff. He was pretty excited!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Watershed Christmas

Here are some pictures of our first Christmas season with our new church, Watershed. This is a picture of some of our core team members. And then for our Christmas Eve service Nathan and Luke lead us in communion and a time of journaling.

Santa Comes to Town

This is the first year that Ezekiel understands the concept of Santa. We've never taken him to see Santa, but this year Zeke asked if he could see Santa. So we took him to the mall to sit on Santa's lap. He was so excited!!!!! However, when we got up to Santa, Zeke wouldn't smile for the camera. Little shy!

All Smiles

Amelia has been smiling for awhile now, but finally I caught a picture of it. Actually not just one picture, it took me about five minutes and twenty pictures, but none the less, here it is.

Our Little Musician

A family that we go to church with gave Ezekiel a set of drums for Christmas. Their daughter got a new set, and they wanted to give Zeke her old set. They brought them over and can I tell you how excited he was!!!! Our son is quite the musician. He loves anything that plays music (especially the drums). So he has enjoyed them quite a bit. And might I say, his drumming actually sounds good. Not bad for a two year old!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Go Bucks!!!!!!

Thanks to his Uncle Ryan, Uncle Jeff and dad, Ezekiel is a Buckeye fan. During the games, he will shout, "Go Bucks", cheering for his team. It's really quite cute. And his other Uncle Ryan (from MI) tries to get him to say "Go blue", but Zeke is a true fan and refuses. It doesn't keep Uncle Ryan from trying though.

Potty Time

And...so it begins, potty training. Zeke is doing pretty well, although I think he would be okay peeing and pooping in his diaper for the rest of his life!!! He's been really cute throughout the whole process. And believe it or not, he prefers to run around the house without anything on, but we're really trying to get him to wear his "CARS" underware instead :)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Watershed Thanksgiving

This year we had our church (Watershed) Thanksgiving dinner at our house. Our team is so great and we couldn't have planted this church without them. God has trully blessed us with them all.