On October 8th at 9:54AM our second little bundle of joy was born. Her name is Amelia (she is still at present, middle nameless). She was 4 pounds 8 ounces and 17 inches long. She was born c-section style and can I say, they worked really hard to get her out!!!!! It actually went really well.
Amelia, had some complications during pregnancy, and because of some of those things, she was "high risk". At birth, she was immediately taken to NICU at Children's Hospital here in Columbus, OH. Amelia was born with some of her intestines coming out through her umbilical cord. They have since done surgery and it went really well. They "made" her a belly button, and it looks really great. She also was born with a Dandy Walker Malformation on her brain. The doctors ran about a million tests on Monday and Tuesday, we are still awaiting some of the results. She will not need a shunt in her brain to drain the fluid from the malformation, so that's a big praise. The only thing we're waiting for is for Amelia to eat on her own, and we'll be able to take her home. So we're praying she picks it up quickly.